e3 Mentoring

Our e3 mentoring program matches youth in upper elementary (3rd grade) through high school (12th grade) with mentors on a one-on-one basis. The goal is to help youth become productive citizens who make positive contributions, good choices, and love God. BECOME AN E3 MENTOR You can give the invaluable gift of relationship by changing their perspective of what the world can offer, loving as Jesus did, and creating a safe environment for them to share and feel heard… sometimes it’s as simple as taking a walk, sharing a meal, or just hanging out together!

Please fill out the following information:

*What is your gender?:
*How long have you been attending Seacoast?:
*Do you regularly attend your church campus for weekend services?:
*Have you ever been convicted of a crime?:
*Are you willing to submit to the required Seacoast Church Background Check process?:
Is there anything else you believe we should be aware of as it relates to your current or past life choices, especially when it comes to being with minors?
*Why do you want to become a mentor?:
*Please describe any experience you have working with youth.:
*Can you meet with your mentee on a consistent basis?:
*How often can your schedule allow you to meet with a mentee?:
*Please list your hobbies, interests and special skills.:
*Are you currently in a mentoring/discipleship relationship?:
*Who were the adults who really made a positive difference in your life?:
*What was it that made each of them a great mentor?:
*What might these experiences teach you about how you want to be as a mentor? What lessons can you take away from these roles?:
*Reference 1 - Name:
*Reference 1 - Email Adress:
*Reference 1 - Phone Number:
*Reference 1 - Relationship to you?:
*Reference 2 - Name:
*Reference 2 - Email Address:
*Reference 2 - Phone Number:
*Reference 2 - Relationship to you?:
*Reference 3 - Name:
*Reference 3 - Email Address:
*Reference 3 - Phone Number:
*Reference 3 - Relationship to you?:
If approved to be an e3 Mentor, I commit the following:
  • I commit to prioritize the safety, well-being and spiritual development of my mentee. I commit to not engage in any activity that would put the safety, well-being or spiritual development of my mentee in jeopardy. 
  • I commit to building and prioritizing the relationship by making sure I connect with my mentee at least 2x a month. 
  • I commit to meeting with my mentee in public environments and get parental permission in times that I am meeting one-on-one or need to drive a mentee one-on-one to our public destination. I agree to never host a mentee in my private residence or in other private environments without another competent adult present.
  • I agree to notify the e3 Director of any other adult will be regularly interacting with my mentee so they can be properly approved as a leader of minors.
  • I agree to always practice healthy boundaries and always follow the safe touch rules.
  • I agree to never date or pursue a romantic relationship with a mentee.
  • I agree to demonstrate a healthy and spiritually disciplined lifestyle to my mentee. I will not consume alcohol before or during any meeting where my mentee is present. I will not partake in any illegal drugs before or during any meeting where my mentee is present. But rather, I will make choice that are above reproach and in accordance with Christian principles.
  • I agree to have open communication with the e3 Director about any concerns, frustrations, or challenges that I am having. I agree to never end the mentoring relationship with the approval and direction of the E3 Director.
  • I commit to any other rules and guidelines that are outlined or amended in the e3 Mentor Handbook.
*To sign your application and accept the policies above, please type your full name here.