Event Details


At Seacoast Church, we are focused on healthy, life-giving marriages! We are excited to offer re|engage, a marriage and discipleship ministry, to our members and the community. Every marriage has room for improvement. Re|engage brings couples together in a small group setting to learn about God’s design for marriage and apply biblical principles for building a healthy relationship. ReIengage provides you with a safe place to work on your relationship together. Whether your marriage needs a course correction or a complete overhaul, our re|engage team is ready to walk alongside you through the process!

There is hope for achieving the marriage you want. Come try re|engage this fall!

Adult registration is not required but if you will be using childcare, please click Here to register your child(ren).
Weekly Service - MTP
Monday, November 20, 2023
6:30 PM - 8:30 PM
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Mount Pleasant Campus
750 Long Point Rd
Mount Pleasant, SC 29464
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This class meets every Monday from 6:30PM–8:30 PM at the Mount Pleasant Campus in the Warehouse. No adult registration is required.

Sign up for childcare Here. (Childcare registration is not needed again if you have already registered and paid for the semester.)

Please note, this class is not offered on holidays.